SALAM JUMPA kembali kawan-kawan...apa kabar ?
sekarang kita sudah bisa bertatap wajah loh...dengan aplikasi yang kami tambahkan di blog kita ini.
kawan-kawan tinggal menggunakan aplikasi tambahan yaitu webcam chat yang ada di samping kanan atas pada blog ini..
kami merasa senang sekali apabila kawan-kawan disana bisa menggunakan aplikasi ini sekarang
kami tunggu kehadiran kawan-kawan
besok kami tunggu di blog ini
PUKUL :08:00 WIB ( Waktu Indonesia Bagian Barat) berarti beda kurang lebih 7 jam dengan waktu di sana..
kami tunggu ya pak....
SAMPAI JUMPA .....!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
salam kenal, saya warga SMA negeri 1 Ciruas hoyong nepangkeun nami abdi kusmiati di SMA teh ngawulang kumaha wargi nu didie sehat sadayana?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Parent Report Cards
Some schools are giving parents report cards every five weeks, parents get a grade on whether their children are doing their home work, on whether the kids are absent too often, and on whether the kids are suitably dressed for school.
Some people think it’s a good idea. For one thing, a report card would get parents involved in their children’s education. That means kids would do better in school. Further, a report card might also let parents know what the kids are doing well, and what they are not doing very well. It would help them be better parents. Finally, when parents get good grades, then they will feel rewarded, just like their kids.
On the other hand, dome people don’t think it’s necessary, fist of all, parents should be able to raise their children the way they want to. Teacher shouldn’t be telling parents how to raise their children because they don’t know the whole story. Besides, if a child isn’t doing well in the school, if might not, be the parent’s fault. Maybe it’s the school’s fault. Maybe the classrooms are too crowded, or maybe there aren’t enough book, or maybe the teachers do not teach well. Moreover, some parents would be insulted. It means, if parents got a failing grade, they would feel rather irritated.
We invite you to give comment to this article.
Some people think it’s a good idea. For one thing, a report card would get parents involved in their children’s education. That means kids would do better in school. Further, a report card might also let parents know what the kids are doing well, and what they are not doing very well. It would help them be better parents. Finally, when parents get good grades, then they will feel rewarded, just like their kids.
On the other hand, dome people don’t think it’s necessary, fist of all, parents should be able to raise their children the way they want to. Teacher shouldn’t be telling parents how to raise their children because they don’t know the whole story. Besides, if a child isn’t doing well in the school, if might not, be the parent’s fault. Maybe it’s the school’s fault. Maybe the classrooms are too crowded, or maybe there aren’t enough book, or maybe the teachers do not teach well. Moreover, some parents would be insulted. It means, if parents got a failing grade, they would feel rather irritated.
We invite you to give comment to this article.
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hai .........teman-teman di Mount Erin College yang cuantik-cantik dan guanteng-ganteng SMA Ciruas punya WEB baru lho kunjungi ya ....... pasti teman teman tau lho tempat sekolah kami, dan setiap siswa SMA negeri 1 Ciruas wajib juga punya WEB lho kaya WEB Kita bersama WEB gratisan heeee.......heeeee, kunjungi kami ya.....(ada ko di link WEB ini).
Kerja Sama SMA Negeri 1 Ciruas dengan Mount Erin College

Kepala SMAN 1 Ciruas menyambut baik kerja sama antara SMAN 1 Ciruas dengan Mount Erin College baik melalui WEB, Email maupun koresponden secara langsung karena dengan adanya kerjasama ini sangat banyak manfaatnya terutama bagi sekolah kami. Mudah-mudahan kera sama ini dapat di tindak lanjuti dalam hubungan berbagai hal terutama peningkatan bagi siswa-siswa dari kedua pihak. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kepala sekolah, guru-guru, dan staf administrasi, serta para siswa Mount Erin College yang telah memfasilitasi dan bersedia bekerja sama dengan kami.
Untuk lebih tau tentang SMA Negeri 1 Ciruas bisa mengakses WEB SMAN 1 Ciruas ( atau dengan web siswa SMAN 1 Ciruas (ada di Link SMA N 1 Ciruas)
Untuk lebih tau tentang SMA Negeri 1 Ciruas bisa mengakses WEB SMAN 1 Ciruas ( atau dengan web siswa SMAN 1 Ciruas (ada di Link SMA N 1 Ciruas)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Learning Bahasa Indonesia

Based on the Malay trade dialect, Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. It unites the over 242 million people (2005 estimate) of Indonesia, whose native tongue may be one of the over 300 distinct languages or regional dialects. Older people may speak some Dutch and English is the foreign language of choice for business, tourism and study.
While it may be technically possible for foreigners to live in Jakarta without learning/speaking Bahasa Indonesia, it is highly recommended that you obtain a working knowledge of the Indonesian national language. An inability to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia will cut you off from the mainstream of society, and dealing with those Indonesians who don't speak your foreign language will be very difficult. By not learning the language, you also deny yourself the rich cultural experience of fully communicating with those from another culture.
To get you started and introduce you to the Indonesian national language, are some basic phrases in Bahasa Indonesia.
Click on the link to the Indonesian phrase below to hear the phrases in Indonesian:
Good morning
Selamat Pagi
Good mid-day
Selamat siang
Good evening
Selamat malam
Selamat tinggal (if you're leaving)
Selamat jalan (to someone who is leaving you)
Thank you
Terima kasih
You're welcome
Kembali or sama-sama
How are you?
Apa kabar?
Excuse me
Permisi or maaf
Do you speak English?
Bisa bicara Bahasa Inggris?
I don't speak Indonesian.
Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia.
I don't understand.
Saya tidak mengerti.
Requesting basic assistance:
Can you help me?
Bisa bantu saya?
Where is the bathroom?
Di mana kamar kecil?
Where is . . .
Di mana . . .
How much is this?
Berapa harganya ini?
I want this.
Saya mau ini.
I want to eat.
Saya mau makan.
(Source from IALF)
While it may be technically possible for foreigners to live in Jakarta without learning/speaking Bahasa Indonesia, it is highly recommended that you obtain a working knowledge of the Indonesian national language. An inability to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia will cut you off from the mainstream of society, and dealing with those Indonesians who don't speak your foreign language will be very difficult. By not learning the language, you also deny yourself the rich cultural experience of fully communicating with those from another culture.
To get you started and introduce you to the Indonesian national language, are some basic phrases in Bahasa Indonesia.
Click on the link to the Indonesian phrase below to hear the phrases in Indonesian:
Good morning
Selamat Pagi
Good mid-day
Selamat siang
Good evening
Selamat malam
Selamat tinggal (if you're leaving)
Selamat jalan (to someone who is leaving you)
Thank you
Terima kasih
You're welcome
Kembali or sama-sama
How are you?
Apa kabar?
Excuse me
Permisi or maaf
Do you speak English?
Bisa bicara Bahasa Inggris?
I don't speak Indonesian.
Saya tidak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia.
I don't understand.
Saya tidak mengerti.
Requesting basic assistance:
Can you help me?
Bisa bantu saya?
Where is the bathroom?
Di mana kamar kecil?
Where is . . .
Di mana . . .
How much is this?
Berapa harganya ini?
I want this.
Saya mau ini.
I want to eat.
Saya mau makan.
(Source from IALF)
Friendships: Mount Erin and SMA Ciruas
(The man wearing white dress is Pak Asep Nugrahajaya)
Dear Students : Mount Erin and SMA Negeri Ciruas
This is such a good opportunity to address you all. I am happy to say that the educational link and friendship between Mount Erin College and SMA Negeri Ciruas starts to commence. By using this blog. I do hope that we can share the knowledge of learning Bahasa Indonesia as well as English. We can express ideas, feelings, experience, and our thought on this web. This web can be as tool for us to advance our learning and also to forge the culutral understanding between the two schools and even between Indonesian and Australian.
The students from both schools are invited to send letters, photos, works, writings on this web through your teachers. For SMA Negeri Ciruas's students, you can send your writing by email Bapak Suparman Hakim ( or Bapak Asep Nugrahajaya ( They will organize your emails to be put on this web. Mount Erin Students can also put their works, expression, photos, greetings, etc. and please email Mr. Ian Hutcheson at ( We are your administrator for this web and we will help you to learn and to engage in your learning.
Mari isi web ini oleh kita semua karena web ini dari kita, oleh kita, dan untuk kita.
Salam persahabatan dari Ciruas, Banten, Indonesia.
Asep Nugrahajaya
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